
Agsol innovates at the intersection of agriculture and energy. We deliver a dual solution by linking productive agricultural machines with scalable solar power.

Agsol’s super-efficient milling machines are a purpose designed tool for rural entrepreneurs to generate new income. By linking this tool with solar power, our customers also invest in a scalable solar power platform that can provide a host of other livelihood benefits.

Solarising agro-processing machines offers another important benefit in that they can be sold under a digital finance model called pay-as-you-go (PAYG). By integrating this capability, Agsol machines become even more accessible and affordable.

There is nothing else like them on the market.


Income Generation

Agsol machines boost village economies. They directly generate new income through payment for milling services, they increase local labour efficiency and productivity, they keep money within the community, and the solar power platform opens the door to a host of other new business opportunities.

Women & Girls

Women and girls are usually the ones tasked with household food processing, either manually or by transporting produce to and from the nearest mills. This wastes a lot of time.

If the 250 million women globally that lack electricity could save an hour per day spent on food processing, 100 billion hours per year of new productivity could be realised, equivalent to 50 million people working full time for a year, which is more than the workforce of UK or France.

Energy Access

Agsol machines are energy access machines. They quickly pay for a solar system that can deliver social and livelihood benefits on many levels. In addition, since it is solar-powered, the system can continue to grow over time to deliver even more energy services and benefits.

Food Security

Agsol machines efficiently process staple foods into edible and higher value products. They replace current inadequate practices, whether that be processing inefficiently by hand, using failure-prone small diesel mills, or paying a premium at centralised mills, often in remote townships.

Our machines can process food 50 times faster than a human can, thereby transforming a one hour manual task, or a time-wasting journey to the nearest mill, into a quick and easy job.

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